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Description of children's classes

We offer immersion classes for complete beginners (from 1.5 to 17 years old); and specialized classes for French speaking children. We develop hands-on curricula to guaranty a personalized learning. Every child is different and need all our attention. We make sure that our young students feel comfortable from the beginning. Only in a playful and fun environment, they will be able to learn. On the other hand, our young students will learn a lot of authentic French. In our classes your child will not just learn words through flash cards and a translation method; or just sing songs whose meaning he/she may not even understand... He/she will progress in a natural and action-based language environment.

To make sure we offer young people the best possible French education, our group classes are in small groups. At the French Academy we choose quality over quantity.

Les Poussins (2-5,5 years) - French and English speakers

Let's play and sing in French! Children will be immersed in the language though playful activities, songs, dance.

Little ones will learn more new words and more complex structures, using them in fun, age-appropriate activities like arts, games, stories. Craft, drawings and pre-school writing activities will develop the fine motor abilities of the children. We will introduce writing activities to get started with French Alphabet, simple words, sound recognition. Older children will be more challenged with extra words' sheets.

In complete immersion, this class is also perfect for French speaking children.

The plus:
- We recreate an authentic language environment (no flash cards methodology!)
- Teachers are native speakers (no accent!)
- Child focused approach

See the schedule

Parent Participation and Responsibility

One parent or caregiver must stay next to the classroom or not far in the building. If your child feels very unconfortable (especially during the first class) you can participate in the class activities.

Code of Conduct
If a child becomes disruptive, the teacher will ask you to take him/her out of the class until he/she calms down in order to preserve a constructive learning environment.

Les Grands (7-12 years) - English speakers

A perfect enrichment program for kids.
To the schedule

Les grands Level 1

In this class we learn the basics A1.1 - A1 skills (corresponding to roughly 1.5 years of French in middle school):

- How to introduce and talk about oneself (age, name, family, pets, physical description, address, country, citizenship…)
- How to introduce a person using il and elle
- Numbers up to 1000
- Talk about likes and dislikes
- Talk about activities, school subjects, schedule, etc.
- Know how to understand and tell the time
- How to invite a friend and accept or refuse an invitation
- How to ask basic questions

Grammar points:
- Verbs: être, avoir, aller, faire, verbs in "er" in the present form
- Feminine and masculine forms
- Possessive: mon, ma, mes....
- Plural
- Personal pronouns
- and much more

To learn the entire A1 curriculum, you will need to take all three sessions planned over the year.

See the schedule

Les grands Level 2

In this class we learn the basics A1+ / A2 skills (corresponding to a second or third year of French in middle school):

- How to express one's opinion in a very simple way
- How to talk about future activities
- How to describe feelings
- How to talk about very simple past activities
- How to describe one's environment: room, house, city
- How to give directions
- How to make suggestions
- Review of the A1 basics

Grammar points:
- Near future
- Passé composé
- Review of the main verbs in the present

To learn the entire A1+ /A2- curriculum, you will need to take all three sessions planned over the year.

See the schedule

Les P'tits Francais - Cours pour enfants bilingues et francophones

Le curriculum des P'tits Français offre un soutien scolaire aux enfants bilingues/ francophones hors de France pour garder le niveau nécessaire dans le système scolaire français.

Si vos enfants sont scolarisés dans une école américaine et qu'ils devront retourner dans une école française dans quelque temps, ce cours est parfait pour vous !

Si vous vivez aux Etats-Unis et vous désirez que vos enfants profitent d'une scolarité à la française, bienvenu aux P'tits Français !

Nous offrons un suivi individuel, du matériel authentique (des extraits de plusieurs méthodes de francais utilisées en primaire). Nous vous communiquons le curriculum ainsi que la progression de votre enfant.

To the schedule

Niveau 0 (5-7 ans)

Première découverte de la lecture et de l'écriture cursive avec la méthode syllabique.
Niveau grande section de maternelle et CP.
Méthodes utilisées: Léo et Léa, Sam et Julie, French Academy, (nous vous fournissons les copies).
See the schedule

Niveau 1 (8-10 ans)

Apprentissage de la lecture et de l'écriture:
- Travail sur la grammaire: verbes au présent,au futur, au passé composé, les accords en genre et en nombre.
- Travail sur l'orthographe: les différents é (er, ez, et, é, est...), les son/sont, ce/se/ceux etc...
- Travail sur le vocabulaire.
- Travail sur des graphies-phonies comples (les voyelles nasales, ill, gn).
Projets: les p'tits écolos, les p'tits détectives, les p'tits artistes...

Des devoirs seront à faire à la maison.
See the Schedule

Niveau 2 (9-13 ans)

Renforcement de la lecture et de l'écriture. Travail d'explication de textes, de grammaire et d'orthographe. Premières dissertations!
Des devoirs seront à faire à la maison.
See the Schedule

Niveau 3 (10-14 ans)

Renforcement des acquis des niveaux 1 et 2, projets littéraires et coopératifs.
Travaux plus intenses sur la grammaire et l'orthographe.
Textes plus compliqués et littéraires pour les analyses de textes.
See the schedule

Theme Workshops Halloween, Noel and more

Let's celebrate special occasions together.
We will party, sing, dance, play and learn a lot of new things, all in French!

Creative Workshop: Art et Couleurs

For 4-12 years old

We invite children to discover Art through creative and playful workshops. Along themes, children will travel through times and artistic periods.
The workshops start by activities to learn about: observing a painting, talking about an artist, or an ancient civilization. Then it's time for creativity: the children will make their own chef d'oeuvre and take it home.

This program is tailored to creative students who are either interested in learning French (words about colors, shapes, animals, flowers, crafts, simple interactions) or are bilingual. If your child is beginner, the teachers will make sure he/she feels comfortable in an immersion environment. Plus, children are divided into groups according to their level and age.

Nous proposons aux enfants de découvrir l'Histoire de l'Art par le biais d'ateliers ludiques et créatifs. Au gré des thèmes, les enfants voyagent dans les époques historiques et les courants artistiques. Les ateliers débutent par un temps de découverte: une œuvre d'art, un mouvement artistique, un peintre, un sculpteur ou une civilisation ancienne... puis, place à la création et à la technique ! Les enfants confectionnent leurs œuvres d'Art. Dès 4 ans!