Contacting the French Academy

As a small school, we have the flexibility to be where we're most needed. That's why we're happy to come to you, giving in-house classes at your place of business or at home. Our main office is in Alexandria (VA). If you want to visit us there, just contact us to set up an appointment.
You can reach us very easily via email From Monday through Sunday. If you cannot reach one of us over the phone, it means that we are helping an other student or teaching, please leave a message or send us an email. We will answer you ASAP.
French Academy DC, MD, VA . LLC
5749 Governors Pond CIR
Alexandria VA 22310
Tel.: 571- 340- 6264
Our classes in Baltimore (Hampden) are held at:
St Luke's Church
800 W 36th Street
Baltimore, MD 21211
We are very thankful that St Luke's Church let us rent confortable rooms at their facility. We are however not affiliated with any religious activity or belief.
Since we only rent rooms there, you will not find us there all the time. Please contact us via email or phone.
Visit for more information about classes in the DC metro area.